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NIU Alumni | Laura Skarnulis

创建时间:2021-07-28 09:32







Laura Skarnulis,1980年中期来到NIU学习,进入商学院和会计系的严格性和流程需要纪律、专注和时间管理技能——所有这些都是 Skarnulis 在她的职业生涯中汲取的。NIU 注册会计师 (CPA) 备考课程将努力和准备提升到了一个新的水平。 

When she came to NIU in the mid-1980s, the rigor and process for admittance into the College of Business and the Department of Accountancy required discipline, focus and time management skills – all of which Skarnulis has drawn upon throughout her career. The NIU Certified Public Accountant (CPA) exam-preparation course took hard work and preparedness to the next level.


Throughout her time at NIU and as an accounting major, she was exposed to a wide variety of experiences and learning opportunities. she was impressed with the business acumen and the intellectual capital of the professors and educators, as well as engagement and intellectual curiosity of my fellow students. Exploring all facets of business and leadership was encouraged, and she learned to look at problems and issues holistically and from a varied, diverse perspective. 







Skarnulis noted that NIU provided her with the opportunity to engage with individuals from across the country, as well as those with viewpoints from across the spectrum of  specific topics. This would become an immensely valuable foundation for establishing her leadership style and philosophy.

最近, Skarnulis担任了美国医学专业委员会协会(ABMS)的首席运营官。在她的领导下,ABMS成功创建并推出了一个创新的纵向评估平台,既改变了用户体验,又提供了卓越的客户满意度。她还创建了ABMS的首个多样性、公平和包容倡议,重点解决导致医疗保健服务不公平的系统性偏见,同时担任该组织COVID-19大流行应对工作的负责人。

Most recently, Skarnulis served as the COO of the Association of the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS). Under her leadership, ABMS successfully created and launched an innovative longitudinal assessment platform that both transformed the user experience and delivered exceptional customer satisfaction. She also created ABMS’s first diversity, equity and inclusion initiative focused on addressing systemic biases driving inequities of healthcare delivery, while concurrently serving as the leader of the organization’s pandemic response to COVID-19.

此外,Skarnulis 被 Crain's Chicago Business 评为 2019 年医疗保健领域的杰出女性,并入围了 2012 年 Financial Executives International 年度首席财务官奖。

In addition, Skarnulis was named a 2019 Notable Woman in Healthcare by Crain’s Chicago Business and was a finalist for the Financial Executives International’s CFO of the Year award in 2012.






2021 年 8 月,Skarnulis将开始她的下一次冒险,她将担任牙科协助国家委员会 (DANB) 和DANB 的官方附属机构——牙科促进学习和教育基金会 (DALE 基金会)的新首席执行官。

In August 2021, Skarnulis will begin her next adventure—joining the Dental Assisting National Board (DANB) and the Dental Advancement through Learning and Education Foundation (the DALE Foundation), DANB's official affiliate, as the organizations' new CEO.


